Art journal week35: Sayings


I am way behind again with these challenge pages but hopefully I will catch up soon.  I have been plagued with neck, shoulder and jaw pain these last few weeks so I have been trying to do very little and only making the odd card or two.  Anyhooooo here is my page about week 35 of the ukstampers challenge and the prompt is Saying:

  • do you have any sayings that are particular to you or your family?
  • did anyone have a catch phrase?
  • use a speach bubble and some text paper on your page.

The two that spring to mind immediately are; ‘just do it – then it’s done’ which is a favourite one of mine and,  ‘it’s not 100% but it will do’  is one I hear all the time from my other half who tends to fix things using cable ties.

Paint:  acrylic brown, ballet pink, antique white and pistachio
Inks:  Stazon Black, Stampin up Regal rose
Card:  patterned paper with text on it, water colour paper
Stamps:  Dylusions Around the edge, dragonfly (unknown)
Other:  inktense pencils, clear page pebbles, gems black pen, circle punches and a small balloon punch to make the petals

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