Category Archives: truth

Art journal week 28 Truth




Here is my week 28 page for the ukstampers weekly challenge.  The prompt is Truth:

  • what does the truth mean to you? are you a truthful person?
  • is it acceptable to tell little white lies?  have you ever lied or been lied to big time?
  • include some splodges of paint, an exclamation mark and a question mark on your page

I was trying to keep this page plain and simple – like the truth – but I found I kept going back to embellish it!  Hm what does that say about me?   If you hadn’t notice yet I have bought a couple Kate Crane’s Art journalling videos and they are very inspirational.  I haven’t quite gone done the road of collage work yet but I am sure I will soon.  One of her techniques is to stick to one main colour but use several different shades so I have tried that here using black and white to highlight.

Paints:  rust and white acrylic paint
Card:  white card
Stamp: Stampotique Moon girl
Other:  black, white and coloured pens, Stickles Tiara, crackle glaze for the angel wings