Monthly Archives: December 2013

Sketchbook Project 2014 Organised Chaos (page 1) Daisy world


Inside front page


The first pages of my little book.  I used the verse from The Big Bang Theory (by the Barenaked ladies) to get the book started then  the first page depicts Daisy world from the Gaia theory of James Lovelock.  He describes a kind of planetary feedback mechanism to maintain Earth’s homeostasis.  In one very simple model he talks about black daisies and white daisies bringing this about and this is what I imagined as I read it.  I used acrylic paints, black pen, Prisma pencils with sansador and some sequin waste as a stencil.



Sketchbook Project 2014 Organised Chaos (cover)


I finally finished my Sketchbook project for 2014 and it is now in Brooklyn and will go on the Northeast tour in 2014.  I like the idea that my little book will be going on tour and not just sitting in my bookcase at home.

The theme I picked was ‘Greetings from…’ so mine is Greetings from this extraordinary place called Earth and is named Organised Chaos.  What makes out Earth unique?  Is it just chaotic randomness or is it all structured and within the laws of nature?  Why do you find similar patterns emerging on different surfaces.  I don’t give any answers I merely depict what was going on in my head while I daydreamed about the questions.  I took out the rather thin paper that was in the journal and used bamboo paper instead as I like to use all kinds of media.  I also changed the cover from the plain brown card one to a grunge board one which I then painted with gesso and acrylic paint.  I sprayed the cover with a light coat of sealant but it reacted a little with the ink on the label so I hope it still scans ok.