Monthly Archives: January 2024

Happy New Year 2024

That is another year gone.  Where did all that time go?  I am so good at procrastination and wasting time that I have become quite an expert.  This isn’t what I wanted become an expert in so I will have to change that and utilize my time more efficiently in future. I am not going to answer my phone (text/emails etc) while I am doing craft-work, and I am  going to set boundaries to make sure I am not interrupted.  I often feel that the universe is out to thwart my attempts at getting some craft time: the numerous bleep alarms for taking meds/eye drops,  tea times and pee times.  As soon as my hands get hold of a pen or paintbrush somebody comes to the door.  I just set up my craft table to do some macro photography only to find my husband has put his  washing on.  Great you might think – he has put his own washing on, however,  the washing machine is just in the other room and the vibrations mean that, despite using a tripod, I can’t get my subject in focus.  Ok enough with the excuses!!  Here is a wee doodle I did to make a greetings card.

abstract doodle
Abstract doodle

Happy New Year!