In the summer months I tend to be out in the garden keeping up with the weeding, dead-heading and blogging about what’s on my mind about the state of the garden and the wildlife (or lack-of) that I find there. The pigeons have been pecking away at the honey-suckle that is trying to grown over an arch so I made a wind-spinner that moves and spins in the breeze just to see if that might deter them a little. It has worked so far but maybe they will get used to seeing it there and start pecking at the leaves and buds again.
There are plenty of you-tube videos on how to do this but you can pretty much make it up as you go along and make it as big or as long as you like. It uses up any left over yarn, doesn’t take too long and you can make them for charity. This is made with acrylic yarn left over from a blanket I made ages ago. I might make the tassel for the next one longer and not quite as thick, or make some other little dangly thing instead of a tassel.