Category Archives: painted stones

Splatter stones





More fun painted stones, this time inspired by a video tutorial for painting nails by CelestialDreamsx3.  I used acrylic paint over a white gesso background and I would like to give them a few more coats of varnish but as usual I am waiting for the rain to stop so I can do it outside!  I am sure I would get an even nicer effect if I had used nail varnish or thinned my acrylic paint out more.  It was great fun to do but I did manage to get splatters everywhere – even my hair – and did you know that some splatters come off the paint brush behind you too so don’t just put down papers in front of you.

Painted stones


I have been painting stones again and my inspiration for these is a little lumbar cushion that I bought a while ago and a video I saw on you tube by starbraz.
I haven’t glazed them yet as I use a very smelly gloss varnish which I prefer to spray outside – so I am  still waiting for the rain to stop!


The large stone is about 19cm x 11cm and the small stone is roughly 5cm x 2.5cm.
They are both strange shapes especially the little stone as it has grooves on 2 sides and one flat side.
All I have used are acrylic paints over a black gesso undercoat.  I like to paint underneath too.


