Category Archives: door hangers

Fun door hangers



I have had a few wooden door hangers in my stash for a couple of years so I finally had the ideas for them as fun little Christmas gifts for mum and dad.  The one for the bathroom for dad  so he does not (should not) lock the bathroom door in case he has a fall or ‘turn’.  The other is for mum because she is ALWAYS getting interrupted when she is busy in her summerhouse/art studio.

blank wooden door handles, acrylic paints, gesso, stencils and cross-stitch mesh, stamps, computer generated text, image from an old postcard, brads, bookplates and copic pens, acrylic sealer.
I used photoshop to erase the tortoise from the toilet image.    Now I have to admit that there is a smudge on the front image of the tortoise as I inadvertently got a drop of water on it but it was when it was all finished and stuck on so there wasn’t much I could do. They are finished off with a cople of coats of acrylic sealer.